136-138 Bethnal Green Road


The Application site currently accommodates 2No. terraced buildings at Nos.136-138 Bethnal Green Road of traditional brick and suspended timber-floor construction rising on five levels (B, G 1-3) that, with a variety of ad hoc rear extensions, has a rear frontage on Granby Street identified on OS maps as Nos.33-37 but thought or proposed to be Nos.37 and 39 as the neighbour to the southwest is No.33 and that to the northeast No.41-43. Two retail units occupy ground and basement levels on the Bethnal Green Road frontage (136-Slam City Skates and 138-Personalize) with the unit in No.138 extending through to the rear where there are steps and a half-landing with access from Granby Street. The upper parts (1st – 3rd floors) of both terraced properties on Bethnal Green Road have been awkwardly and poorly lateralised to accommodate 5No. dwellings (Flats A – E: 1 x St + 3 x 1b +1 x 2b) only two of which are double aspect and all are below modern minimum space standards. The common parts access stair descends, with several separate flights of changing direction, to a rear entrance on Granby Street.

The design brief following the pre-application report seeks to de-lateralise and separate the two properties on Bethnal Green Road to restore their front staircase configurations with traditional entrances from the street serving upper floors that are re-arranged with an appropriate mix of small, self-contained residential units in accordance with the original character and appearance of these buildings in the conservation area. The two retail units are similarly separated from the properties in Granby Street and remodelled with roof lights, light wells and staircases at the rear to provide daylight and ventilation for the rear ground and basement areas.

The site on Granby Street is cleared and redeveloped with 2No. self-contained terraced town houses of a scale and form comparable to those already adjoining on the northeast side.

Dalby House
Oaklands Road
Victoria Works
9-15 Helmsley Place